Texas A&M University
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Did you know...

After Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M University is the second oldest public institution of higher education in Texas.

Distributions from the Permanent University Fund are used by the component institutions of both The University of Texas System and The Texas A&M University System to support library services.

A primary objective of Texas A&M University's current campaign, Vision 2020, is to be ranked as one of the top ten public U.S. universities by the year 2020. A major focus of Vision 2020 is to improve the Sterling C. Evans Library using distributions from the Permanent University Fund and other sources. Prairie View A&M University, a historically African-American university, is home to the John B. Coleman Library. The special collections of this library include "Black Heritage of the West" and "Blacks in the U.S. Military". Distributions from the PUF supplement library operations and faculty salaries at each of The Texas A&M University System campuses.

The Tarlton Law Library on The University of Texas at Austin campus serves as a state resource on current Texas legal matters for 1,500 full-time law students and 100 faculty members. The Tarlton Law Library is the fifth largest academic law library in the nation with over 930,000 volumes. It is housed in the largest academic law library building in the U. S., with over 167,000 square feet of floor space. Even though the library's budget for acquisitions exceeded $1 million for the first time in 1997, state appropriations are inadequate to sustain the Tarlton Law Library or develop its collection.